Copywriting for Blog-Posts
Want to make your blog-post more effective and persuasive? Use copywriting tecniques and create a top-performing blog-post.
September 23, 2023
Copywriting for Blog Posts
Are your blog posts engaging and persuasive as well as educative?
Copywriting techniques are not only used to sell products and services but also to share information that resonates with readers and educate them.
But, what defines a blog-post?
A blog post is a type of article, guide or review published in the blog of a website.This piece of information is about a specific topic within certain scope. Its length goes between 600 and 3,000 words and its main goal is to educate your audience.
This long piece of writing is generally broken down into section and enhanced with appropriate pictures, charts and graphs.
Two types of blog posts are popular: business to business and business to customers blog-post.
The business-to-business blog-post readers need detailed information, facts, white papers and clear demonstration of the advantage your product brings to their business. Decision-makers have to justify their choice and inversion. No doubt they need more details.
The business to customer blog-posts readers look for personal and simple information. The blog post message has to target their needs and desires. These readers look for satisfaction in a personal way.
Blog posts are generators of website traffic and qualified leads. So, your most important goal is to write engaging, simple, informative and enticing blog posts that make readers feel that:
you provide them clear ways to solve some problems.
they are better informed about a topic when they read your blog posts ,so they take the next step.
they are confident that when they need more information about this topic, your blog post is the place to go.
every time they read your blog posts they feel inspired to go deeper into the topic.
Would you like to make your blog-posts even more compelling? Yes?
Copywriting techniques are your best allies to create snappy and persuasive blog posts that will make your readers keep their eyes glued to the screen and happy to take action on the spot.
Before Writing your Blog-Post
The purpose of your blog post is to attract readers who are looking for solutions to their problems. So, you have to collect all the information below to decide what kind of information you'll include in your blog-post.
“I can’t write without a reader. It’s precisely like a kiss—you can’t do it alone.” ― John Cheeve
The most important elements to have in mind before writing are:
your buyer persona: Get all the information you've gathered about the target audience you're writing to. Get a list of their demographic information.
their pains and needs: People also have an inner life so you should consider their suffering in relation to the problem they have right now, how they feel and how they would like to feel.
the way they speak: Check what kind of language your prospects use. Are they formal? Informal? Use lots of slang? Do the same in your blog post.
their intent: Ask yourself why they are looking for information.Are they just looking for information? Are they comparing solutions? Are they ready to buy?
keywords: Your keywords are crucial to optimize your blog post and rank well on engine results. You want your prospects to come across your blog-post when they are looking for a solution on the web. Apply best S.E.O practices and determine which are the most profitable keywords you can use in your writing.
Blog-Post Structure
The importance of headlines is paramount because it is the first real contact with your prospects, promising a solution they're looking for.
80% of people read headlines and only 20% read the whole blog post.
Readers make a decision on that headline whether it's worthwhile spending time reading more. It gives you only a few seconds. address your target audience in the headline and make your reader curious about the topic.
Intensify the promise or curiosity that's brought your reader in. The type of lead you write depends on how familiar your reader is with your product and company. Introduce the most important information right here so they stay captivated by the information you have to offer.
Here you add facts, opinions and charts to argument why your product is the best solution for their problem.
As a conclusion, repeat the most helpful elements of the solution you offer, emphasize the benefits of you product and tell them they are making the right decision.
Call to action
Now it's the time to invite your reader to take action and subscribe to your newsletter, download a free checklist or even buy from you.
Copywriting Techniques
As you may know, copywriting uses a mixture of emotional triggers and rational argumentation to create persuasive pieces of communication.
Now, let me show you some useful copywriting formulas for your blog-post.
The Four U’s
A good message construction always have to include the 4 u’s formula, created by business coach and entrepreneur Michael Masterson.
Usefulness: The information you provide has to be helpful to a group of people. Your message has to communicate that you solve certain type of problem. That means that what you offer must be able to be put to use for a purpose. It has to be valuable and help improve certain areas of prospects’ lives.
Ultra-specific: Speak about a specific topic in details and avoid generalization. Send a concrete message. Use facts and statistics. Be sharp and trigger mental images.
We help businesses to grow their business quickly.
we help start-ups to double their business ROI in 6 months with compelling copy.
Why the second message is more specific?
Let’s see...
- “Starts-up” are companies in their initial stages of business.
- “Double their business” refers to a specific number.
- “6 months” is a specific period of time.
Unique: Products and services may offer several benefits but when you want to engage your prospects you have to be able to find the most attractive and convenient angle to show a unique advantage. This concept has to be turned it into a succinct message. A good copywritercan help you.
You can also use what differentiates you from your competition in this step.
Urgent: Audiences are bombarded by ads all day long and they won’t act unless there’s urgency to avoid losing a special benefit.
This is generally expressed as limited time to get certain product at a great discount. Though not suitable to every message urgency has to be present if you wish to trigger your prospects’ action.
A.I.D.A is a very well-known copywriting technique. This acronym stands for :
Attention: Say something that calls your target audience’s attention. Maybe something unexpected, or an incredible result in your headline. Cut through the clutter and make your voice heard.
Example: These people will never buy from you
Interest: Once you’ve got your readers' attention you can tell them a story about somebody who has gone through the same problem but has already solved it with a special technique or medicine.
Example: "Communicating in a new language always involves some degree of uneasiness", a student told Alice after she spent a whole year taking English lessons.
Alice's eyes widened in awe.
"You can't imagine my fear when I didn't know a single word," the French student added.
"Promote your course in the students' language.I can write a review in French and tell my friends about your classes."
Desire: Now you turn that story into your readers' story and tell them that they can also solve their problem quickly and easily with your product.
Example: Like, Alice, you can speak to potential learners of English in their own language and increase the number of students who attend your classes.
With the help of our service, Language course promotion in prospects mother tongues, you can get 50% more students and earn 50% more money in a single month.
Action: Persuade your reader to take action now and solve their problem today with your special promo that will last only a few days.
Example: To increase your profit quickly, buy this package to promote your course of English in French at 50% off. Only this week.
This formula works well because it addresses the problem your potential customer is dealing with right now.
Problem: Address their problem at the very beginning and capture the attention of those who recognize their own problem described.
Example: Struggling to get out of debt? Don't know how to stop your debt growing?
Agitation: Now that readers are ready to pay attention to you, it's time to scare them a bit, telling them how a situation will become worse if they don't do anything about their problem, how much money or opportunities will they lose.
Example: You may suffer from anxiety, depression and even mental health if you don't act today to free you and your family from debt. Your future may be reduced only to existence if you don't have enough money to live in peace and pay for all the expenses that make a happy life.
Solution: With your readers attention undivided. now you present your solution as the best option to solve their problem in a quick and easy way. Speak about your unique selling proposition and how to easily get what they need.
Example: Talk to a counselor that analyzes your debt and create a customized plan to become out of debt this year and change your financial habits. Psychological help is available to support you whenever you need it.
Content Creation
Now that you have understood how copywriting techniques can help you turn your blog-post into a persuasive one, let's turn to the creation of content itself.
Choose a single topic
A single topic should dominate your whole writing to provide consistency and coherence.
Present the purpose immediately
Present your main idea together with your purpose or angle at the beginning
You can choose a topic as broad as food and then, decide what aspects of the topic to write about.
- Home-made food versus bought food
- Food that keeps you young
- benefits of cooking your own food
- Food in boarding schools
- Taxes on Food
- Food banks in New York
- How important food is when your sick
- What food to avoid when flying
- Kosher food
As you see, this gives you an idea of how different the topic can be developed.Readers have to learn quickly what direction the writer is taking them.
Add details
Add details to the main topic in the following paragraphs. Use the inverted pyramid method to write for the web. This means you display the prominent information at the top. Details follow next paragraphs for those interested in reading more.
Select information
Choose information that interests your reader and is useful. When you write to a specific audience, you know what interests them, what their pains are and what make them tick.
You can create a message targeting those who want to lose weight. But, some people would like to lose weight to get a better figure and feel sexy. Other would like to become slimmer for medical reasons.
In this case, perhaps they can use the same product but their motivations are quite different. This means you have to create two different message to motivate them to act.
Check facts
Check your information before including it in your text. Use trusted sources to provide you with the best information about a topic. Share your sources when necessary.
Be friendly and positive
Always present your topics in a friendly and positive way. Even if you choose fear as a triggering emotion, the tension this feeling creates has to be turned into a positive result at the end. Engage your reader with interactive activities. Stories, quotations,quizzes are great tools to engage readers.
Write economically
Avoid flourish language whenever you're communicating because it takes the reader away from focus. Cut whatever is not necessary in your text.
If you here require a practical rule of me, I will present you with this: ‘Whenever you feel an impulse to perpetrate a piece of exceptionally fine writing, obey it—whole-heartedly—and delete it before sending your manuscript to press. Murder your darlings. Arthur Quiller-Couch, author of Cambridge lectures “On the Art of Writing” 1914.
Writing Style
Simple grammar and vocabulary
Language doesn't have to get in between the message and reader. Don't use words readers will have to look up their meaning in dictionaries because you break all the rapport.
Structure is important because it guides reader's understanding
Form is a good predictor of what's coming and that keeps readers at ease. Everybody recognize an ad, letter, speech or article format.
Create a clean layout with visual and cues to deliver a clear message.
Headlines call attention and subheading provide a more logical explanation of what to expect from the text.
Short paragraph , starting with a topic sentence. this structure helps readers to follow the flow without much ado.
- Bullets help to present complex information in a simple way such as on e-commerce platforms.
- Bullets help separate chunks of texts that are not easy to read online.
- Draw attention to specific details making easier to retain information.
Readability level
when you write for the general public,writing at Grade level 8 is the best option. 85% of the audience will be understand your ideas at this level. No effort required so people stay reading longer.
White space
Plenty white space in between message chunks online is a must f you want your reader to feel at ease reading on a screen.
Use conversational tone. Friendly and casual texts help people read more and feel the message is customized to them.
Graphs and Maps
Display Graphs and maps for an easy and quick understanding of data an break the monotony of long chuncks of text.
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