Achieve High Conversion with a Copy Critique Service

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Dear Self-Published Writer,

dotty You've written your book.
dotty You've hired an editor.
dottyYou've set up a website.
dotty You've written your copy.



dotty Sales are slow...
dottySocial media is undemanding.
dottyCompetition is huge.


You feel frustrated.

I understand you. I was once there.

It hurts.

You need a copywriter.

  Start now 

Copywriters focuses on sales.

Yes! a copywriter is a writer like you

but the difference is ...

A copywriter writes to engage prospects and motivate them to...

Buy your book!

So, if your digital efforts are not bringing the rewards you deserve,

Hire a copywriter.

As a published writer and copywriter, I understand your work and your market.

A copywriter will offer you:

dottya fresh perspective
dotty professional support
dotty higher revenue

A copywriter will turn your website into a 24/7 selling machine.

Don't waste more time and money!

Get a professional copywriting review today.
